Banner The Best Way to Use YouTube to Build a Brand


9 Easy Steps To Build A Brand On Youtube

Trust builds loyalty, and loyalty builds a brand

Team Nas Academy

03 Sep · 9 mins read

YouTube is a powerful tool for creators who want to build a brand and grow their audience. In today’s social media world, video is essential for improving your reach and ensuring your content stands out in viewers’ feeds.

In fact, an annual survey found that 93% of marketers who use video believe it impacts the success of their overall marketing strategies. So, if you’re not already creating video content to build your brand, now’s the time to start!

Why YouTube?

YouTube is the platform with the best return on investment for video content.

It’s growing faster than any other social media platform, including Facebook, and it’s second on the list of the most used platforms online.

The number of adult users on YouTube is steadily growing every year – increasing from 73% in 2019 to 81% in 2021. While this means increased competition, it also means this is where everybody is watching content. This is where your competitors are, and this is where your future customers are.

It’s the place to be if you want to get the word out about your brand.

most popular social networks worldwide

(Source: Statistica)


YouTube gives you the opportunity to post more meaningful, deeper content. And that allows you to connect with your audience on a new level. Plus, it gives you access to new audiences around the world.

Not to mention, YouTube and Google are connected. This means your content is more likely to surface in Google searches if you have a YouTube channel.

So, how do you successfully build a brand on this booming platform?

1. Decide On Your Story

First, you have to figure out your mission. What do you want to use your YouTube channel for?

Are you building your own personal brand? Promoting your business?

Do you want to better connect with your existing audience? Drive traffic to your website?

Once you know exactly what you want your channel to be used for, you can figure out what content you want to share and what stories you want to tell. Your stories and content are also going to depend on what your audience is looking for. Do your research. Find out where they are, what they’re looking for, their habits, their interests. And with all of this data, try asking yourself:

How can I provide my viewers with value?

You could post every single day, but if nobody gets anything of value from your content, they’re not going to come back for the next upload.

Think about your brand mission and what your goals are. Think about what you can give back to your audience to make them invest in you, and give them something to care about.

2. Quantity Before Quality

When you’re trying to build a brand and become a successful YouTuber, quantity is key.

While the quality of your videos is extremely important in the long run, not everybody is an award-winning filmmaker. You may not have all the experience or tools to create your best work right away. And that’s okay.

Depending on what stage you are in building your brand, you may have nothing but a badly wallpapered office, poor lighting, and you may have to make your YouTube videos on your iPhone.

What matters is that you want to build a brand on YouTube, and you’re committed to making it work.

Take Casey Neistat, for example. He started out with no experience, fancy equipment, or money – but he just started creating and never stopped.

Now he’s found his own style, built a solid brand, and is one of the most popular YouTubers on the platform with over 12 million subscribers.

Casey neistat sitting on scene

Take time to focus on regularly uploading as well as working through all of the bad ideas and mistakes. It might take 50 tries before you start to get good, or even get to a point where people will start to watch your videos.

But once you build that consistency and become used to creating videos, then you can focus on boosting the quality. After you’ve found your style, the only way to start gaining an audience is to keep improving. You have to continuously grow with the platform, with other creators, and with the expectations of your viewers if you want to stay relevant and keep increasing your subscribers.

3. Build Authentic Connections

More than 1 billion hours of YouTube are watched every day. Creators are putting out more content in a month than traditional TV has over the past 30 years.

And if you think about it, a viewer could’ve easily clicked on any other person with similar content to yours… but the reason they clicked on YOUR video, is because they want to see what YOU have to say.

They want to find a face and personality to connect with, not just some brand looking to make money. So, don’t focus on putting on a show – just express your authenticity. Show who you are and how you see the world.

Listen to audience requests, concerns, opinions, and video recommendations. Start discussions in the comments, welcome feedback, ask viewers about their lives, and most importantly: engage with them.

People are giving you their time, so it’s important you acknowledge that, and give yours back in return. That’s what’s going to help you strengthen your relationship with your viewers and help you build a successful brand.

And while connecting with your audience is crucial, it’s just as important to build connections with other creators too.

Connect with other brands who have similar missions as you. Do collaboration videos and build partnerships to help each other grow. Link to each other’s videos and help promote each other’s products.

Building a brand really is all about building a community. And building a strong community starts with meaningful, real connections.

4. Create Evergreen Content

What you post on YouTube should be able to stand the test of time. You want to stay relevant enough that your old content can continue bringing in new audience members as time goes on. And a great way to do this is through evergreen content.

Evergreen content is material that isn’t time specific. It’s a video that will be just as relevant to someone 10 years from now, as it is to somebody today.

This could be how-to videos, review videos, travel videos, cooking videos. If you focus on creating quality content that lasts, rather than jumping only on trending topics, you will reach a wider, more loyal audience that will keep your brand relevant and successful for years to come.

5. Build Your Channel Layout

YouTube is all about visual storytelling. Your videos and stories matter, but creating a consistent brand also means making sure the other areas of your channel are telling that same story.

Youtube layout with banner

When people watch your videos, the first thing they will do if you catch their attention, is go and see what else you’ve created. And when they visit your channel, you instantly want your style to come across clearly.

You want to lure people in.

To do this, make sure to invest some time into building and customizing the look and layout of your channel.

Add a profile picture and a banner that reflects your brand. Organize your playlists and videos to ensure that people can easily navigate your channel. Share all your social media links and link to your website.

Make your visuals eye-catching, make your words authentic, write your mission on your “About Page,” and give a sense of who you are. And if you really want to stand out, create a channel trailer.

Your channel layout is where your brand cohesiveness and consistency will really show.

If your layout matches your video style, and that matches your Instagram and your Facebook, people are going to instantly recognize you and see that you’re serious and committed.

Often these tedious details seem unnecessary, but they can really make all the difference.

6. Stay Consistent

When building your YouTube brand, viewers want to know that you’re consistent and reliable. Because in the end, if you’re not committed to your brand, why would your audience be?


Uploading on a consistent schedule is important when you’re trying to build a brand. Not only for the algorithm but also for people to know when to look out for your videos. If you regularly upload on the same days, it helps you maintain a connection with your audience.

But when making your posting schedule, be sure it’s realistic for you. If you make a commitment that is too ambitious to keep up with, your brand will seem less credible.


You have to make sure that the stories you are telling are true to your brand and mission. When people expect certain types of content from you, you have to deliver.

Stay consistent in the stories you are telling and the brand voice you’re using. This creates a solid brand experience, and gives you a specific style that viewers will be familiar with.

So if you’re known for being a cooking channel, stick to cooking and related topics. Don’t randomly decide to post a video on how to invest in stocks because that’s going to alienate your viewers and make you lose authority in your real area of expertise.


Keeping even the simplest details consistent can really make all the difference. When it comes to the production side of your YouTube videos, your style of video should be as consistent as possible. All the way from your tone of voice to the camera angles, and even your end screen.

Your animated designs, video editing techniques, set-ups, color correction, introductions, and outros: Make them the same across all of your videos and all of your other platforms.

Having a high level of brand consistency in these areas is what’s going to set you apart from all of the other creators. It lets people know immediately whose video they’re watching and what to expect.


Make sure your thumbnails use the same fonts, colors, and designs. This way, when people see your thumbnail mixed in with the hundreds of other video recommendations, they’ll know exactly which one is yours.

Design them so they stand out, and make them reflect the content that you’re creating.

Youtube Videos Thumbnails

If your thumbnails aren’t consistent with your content or your titles aren’t accurate, you risk falling into the clickbait category. And too much clickbait can break the trust between you and your audience.

When you’re consistent with design, personality, and branding across all platforms, you will earn a space inside your audience minds. They will recommend you to their friends, which will help you to build presence and authority in your industry, and will help you build trust.

Trust builds loyalty, and loyalty builds a brand.

7. Call-To-Action

Just like you would on any other platform, in order to build a following, it’s important to leave a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your videos.

So, come back to your goals as a YouTuber. If you want to use your channel to draw people to your website, promote your Instagram, start conversations, or get subscribers, leave a CTA that aligns with that goal.

Tell people to subscribe and create a cool animation to encourage them. If you want to start conversations, ask a thought-provoking question and tell them to respond in the comments below.

Getting your audience to engage is how you are going to not only build word-of-mouth around your brand and improve your SEO, but it also creates genuine and long-lasting connections with your audience.

You might find people will be more likely to engage with your CTA if you engage them, encourage them, and let them know how it’s going to help you provide better content.

8. Tell People

YouTubers who are just starting out might be afraid to tell people about it. You may be afraid of being judged or not being taken seriously by your peers.

But the only way to successfully build a brand on any platform is to make sure people know you’re there.

Cross-promote your channel on your social media. Don’t be afraid to have your name visible, to share your content and be proud of what you’re creating. You have to promote just as much as you create because the algorithm doesn’t always magically work in your favor.

9. Be Ready To Change

Everything is always changing. Algorithms are altering, trends are shifting, and expectations are always growing.

It’s great practice to experiment with your content, to try new things and to jump on trends when they happen as a way to get your name out there. But in order to be able to do that, you have to be ready to change.

Being a content creator means being on your toes, watching other influencers, and seeing what’s happening in the world. That’s how you can find where you fit in and how you can help.

While being organized, prepared, scheduled, and consistent is important, you have to be equally prepared to pivot at a moments notice.

One small shift in the world and your readiness could mean the difference between getting all eyes on your brand, or getting buried in the aftermath.

The key to building a successful brand on a platform like YouTube, in the competitive online landscape we’re in today, is all about being committed, passionate, and willing to make it work.

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