
A Beginner’s Guide to NFTs with Randi Zuckerberg

Be a part of the conversation

Admin Nas Academy

10 Feb ·

If you’ve been spending a lot of time on the internet lately, you’ve likely been bombarded by this single word: crypto.

People are talking about it all the time, arguing about it, investing– but you feel like you have no idea what’s going on. It feels like too much work to get behind, and you feel like it has to be a full-time job to even remotely understand it. 

Randi smiling with a digital blue and purple background

Yet, you want to be part of the conversation for once around this new and innovative space.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry. You’re not alone. 

So many people, especially women and minorities, feel like they don’t belong in this space. Anything to do with crypto is accompanied by shying away, and uttering: “It’s not for me”, “It’s not my thing.” Even if you really are interested in learning about it. 

But why is this? And how can we finally jump into this space with confidence?

Randi Zuckerberg is going to show you how.

Learn NFTs and Crypto with Randi Zuckerberg Academy

Randi Zuckerberg has just launched her own Academy to help those who feel like they’ve been left in the dust in this recent crypto and NFT craze. The reality is, crypto is likely going to be a large part of our future, and everybody deserves to have a seat in it.

Randi wearing a pink sweatshirt and working on her laptop

If you’re too busy, if you’re too scared – this course is for you. Randi Zuckerberg is going to walk you through everything she’s learned as an investor and collector of NFTs, and she’s going to help you dip your toes into the industry. You’ll learn what NFTs are, how blockchain works, where to find NFTs, how to invest safely, and where to start your journey in the world of crypto.

Whether you’re looking to start investing, collect art, or simply want to learn, there is space for you in Randi’s new course: NFTEASY: A Beginners Guide to Crypto.

Sign Up for Randi Zuckerberg Academy Today

Randi Zuckerbeg course cardThis is your shot to learn from an expert alongside other crypto-beginners just like you. Ask all the questions you’re too afraid to ask your friends at wine night about this space, and don’t worry – no one’s going to judge! This is a shot for everybody to learn, grow and maybe even discover a new passion in this exciting future.

This class is going to be a 5 day journey, with a combination of video lessons from Randi, and live sessions with trainers and your classmates.

Signing up for this class will give you the chance to join a group of people just like from all around the world who are in the same position as you. And best of all: you’ll get to ask Randi all your burning questions about crypto at the monthly meet-and-greet.

If you feel like you’ve been left behind and the train has already left the station on NFTs and crypto – you’re wrong. You’re just in time to learn and get on board with this exciting new revolution. 

Ready to get started? Sign up today for Randi Zuckerberg Academy.

Randi Zuckerbeg course card

Start Your NFT Journey

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